Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! #67: 50-for-50 edition

[youtube=] This post is #40 in a series of 50 dedicated to the art and life of writing, in support of the 50 for 50 Project to benefit WriteGirl. If you like it, or if you think it could have been improved by a better writing education for its author, please give generously. And pass it on.

My delightful friend (and 50-for-50 interviewee) Maureen Anderson sent out another flare about our little to-do. Bless her heart, as they say south of the Mason-Dixon! And look for another sure-to-be-groovy radio interview yakfest featuring us, very soon!

Wherein we make the relaunch of the Roving Robin Report. Which we still cannot say three times fast.

What if you got a typewriter but didn't know what to write?

Danielle LaPorte, amazing supporter of women and girls and dreams that she is, pulls out all the stops in support of 50-for-50 and WriteGirl. GET IN ON THIS CALL. I did!

50-for-50 gets a sweet plug just above a sweet cake in my friend Beth Goldfarb's excellent newsletter.

A wonderful essay about the importance of writing over the course of a lifetime.

Another lovely post about WriteGirl's model and 50-for-50 from a mother and biology teacher.

Anna Rascout-Paz takes the baton from Naomi Dunford speaking out against terrorizing women and for empowering girls.

My friend Kate takes some time out of her new-mom schedule to plug 50-for-50.

Patti Digh does a good round-up. She generously included the 50-for-50 interview with Amy McCracken in this one. (Then again, what an interview!)

Building on the "you cannot focus on two things at once" advice put forth by David Robinson in his conversation with colleague Patti Digh.

Yet another wonderful, big-hearted artist has been inspired by WriteGirl to give to the 50-for-50 Project. For every piece of art you buy through the morning of 9/13/11, Jill Lena Ford will donate half the money to 50-for-50 for WriteGirl.

Big love from the GeekMom, who not only gives 50-for-50 a shoutout, but yours truly thanks for creating a non-boring campaign. Aw...the pleasure was mine!

More nerd-mom love for WriteGirl from CecilyK in the MomCrunch column at Babble.

Lisa Baldwin comes with a great idea: pool resources to buy a writing community WriteGirl poem.

Did you post about 50-for-50 and did I miss it? I would not be surprised, the days pass by in a hazy blur of frenzied activity, internet-related and otherwise. Please do let me know! I would love to highlight it here!