What's up and what's gone down (Oct 09)


A thus-far monthly but forever occasional round-up of what I've been up to and what I plan to be. For full credits and details, see this entry.

Colleen of the future (places I'll be)

  • Los Angeles Escape from Cubicle Nation Workshop (Wednesday, November 4) The final stop on author/blogger/coach Pam Slim's epic workshops-as-book-tour for 2009, this is the place to be if you're looking to quit your job and create a self-employed lifestyle for yourself or reinvigorate the one you're in now. More details and sign up at Pam's site; use the code "getalife" when checking out to get $30 off, making your final cost for a whole-day workshop (plus free copy of the book, plus free follow-up group coaching call) just $138. Oh, and there's 90 minutes of me sharing my best stuff on how to brand yourself via the Internet/etc. Which I happen to know a little something about. (Sign up!)
  • Work the System Boot Camp (Monday & Tuesday, November 16-17) In the few months since I first read Sam Carpenter's fantastic book about reframing life to see it as a series of systems, my ability to see clearly, get things done and yes, declutter has been greatly enhanced. I'm looking forward to soaking in it for a day and a half, as well as getting to meet my now-good friend (and client!), Sam, and his lovely wife, Linda, for the first time. (Even if they do rag on me for my insane caffeine addiction.) And it's a measly $100! Join us!
  • Ignite:Portland (Thursday, November 19) Unbelievably, I was selected (one of two non-locals!) to participate in this very cool mini-marathon presentation event. 20 slides in five minutes, automatically advancing every 15 seconds. My talk is about poop and love. (Duh, right?) If you're local to PDX, I'd love for you to come!

Colleen of the Past (stuff that went down)

  • The Monthly Los Angeles Biznik Meet-Up at Jerry's I won't be at this one since I'll be 1000 miles away, up in PDX, but all the cool kids will! Come out and meet my lovely co-conspirator, Heather Parlato, who will be handling hosting duties along with the lovely Beth Goldfarb this time around. Cocktails, conversation and oversized plates of deli food. It's awesome, and it's free. (Well, not the drinks or the deli food.) Just register (free!) to become a member of Biznik, then sign up (also free!). Easy-peasy, Cousin Weezy!

Colleen of the Present (ongoing projects)

  • communicatrix | focuses My monthly newsletter devoted to the all-important subject of increasing your unique fabulosity. One article per month (with actionable tips! and minimal bullsh*t!) about becoming a better communicator, plus the best few of the many cool things I stumble across in my travels. Plus a tiny drawing by moi. Free! (archives & sign-up)
  • The Virgo Guide to Marketing I'm just over halfway through a year-long project where I work on my marketing daily and blog about it weekly. People seem to dig it, as well as the podcasts I record weekly. Go figger.
  • Act Smart! is my monthly column about marketing for actors for LA Casting, but I swear, you'll find stuff in it that's useful, too. Browse the archives, here.
  • Internet flotsam And of course, I snark it up on Twitter, chit-chat on Facebook, post the odd video or quote to Tumblr, and bookmark the good stuff I find on my travels at StumbleUpon and delicious. If you like this sort of stuff, follow me in those places, I only post a fraction of what I find to Twitter and Facebook.

Finally, because a few people have asked, I'd like to start including a "notable posts" or roundup of posts here, but I'm not quite sure what form it should take to provide the most enjoyment and/or utility. If you have any ideas about this, stuff you'd personally like, or ways you've seen it done well by others that I could shamelessly lift (with credit...probably...), please do let me know in the comments!



Photo of Arno J. McScruff housed on Flickr, where I also occasionally stick pixels.