Ready to set yourself free?


I've talked about books I wished existed when I was starting on my journey to this or that aspect of self-actualization, but I have not talked about the class I wished existed.

This is it.

Pam Slim's Escape from Cubicle Nation tour stops are the start-your-engines workshop you want if you are:

  • doing work you hate and can't see your way out of
  • recently laid off from a job and have no "plan B" but know you ultimately don't want to keep working for The Man
  • germinating some kind of idea but unclear about how to move forward with it

I know; I sat in on one in Chicago this July. It's an extraordinary day of support, discovery, encouragement and actual, bona-fide tools to help you get your shit together and get to work turning dreams into action. Pam, whose writing I have long adored, is even better in person. She's a presenter's presenter, fun and funny, charming and smart, and one of those people you're instantly comfortable with handing yourself over to.

She's also a freaky magnetic sort who attracts the best kind of people to her. I was blown away by the people who attended the Chicago event, although after watching her work her magic at South by Southwest earlier this year, I shouldn't have been surprised. The day is a mix of Pam teaching and people actually hunkering down to do the work. You'll come out of the day with the beginning stages of a map and a plan, plus, if past events are any indication, a whole new tribe of people who are fellow travelers to help make your journey easier and more enjoyable. (In general, that's been the most valuable takeaway of my favorite events, but you really do get vast quantities of good, actionable info here, too.)

You'll also get me, yours truly, taking you through the nuts and bolts of my branding process. This is what one-on-one clients pay a lot of money for, and you get it rolled into the cost of your day with Pam. Because really, this is all about you getting what you need to move forward with what you want, and Pam's stuff contains the most critical first steps you need to understand.

How much for all this wonderfulness?

  • Early bird registration is $138, increasing to $168 on October 19 at 5pm PST.
  • SPECIAL BONUS! Enter "Communicatrix" (without the quote marks) at checkout and you'll get an additional $20 off.

Best of all, seats are limited to 50. That means plenty of time to interact with Pam and me, ask tons of questions and come away with even more ideas. If you have questions, you can email me (colleen AT communicatrix DOT com) or Pam (pamelac.slim AT gmail DOT com) or, if you're into the Twitter, shoot Pam your questions there: she's @pamslim (shocking, I know).

Wait, when is it again? And where?

Well, I didn't say yet. But here are the details:

Wednesday, November 4, 8:30am – 4:00pm

The Belamar Hotel,
3501 Sepulveda Boulevard
Manhattan Beach, California 90266
(310) 750-0300

And to cap it all off, you'll be capping it all off: this is Pam's last stop on the tour for 2009, with no firm plans in place for starting up in 2010. In other words, if you're local and this speaks to you, jump on it. And if you're not local and it speaks to you, consider jumping on a plane.

Magic happens, but only when you give it room.


Image © Chris Lee, via Flickr.


...for the chronically disorganized: My PacNW trip got rejiggered a bit with the cancellation of a retreat I was looking forward to. Fortunately, this opened up my schedule to attend my friend and client Sam Carpenter's Work the System Boot Camp on November 16th & 17th in Bend, OR. You may have read about the breakthroughs I had upon reading Sam's book (before I even met him); since then, "WTS" has continued to enrich my life as it streamlines the way I approach much of the more tedious aspects of it (sorry, tree-huggers, but some parts of wax-on, wax-off are tedious!)

Since I'm coming anyway, Sam asked if I'd do a very short summary of some of the key aspects of branding yourself effectively, and of course, he was so charming (and effective!), I couldn't refuse. More to the point, if you put the word "Colleen" in the coupon code window upon checkout, you'll get an additional 30% off the insanely low price of $100 (and that price includes meals and a hard copy of the book).

...for the financially-challenged: Somehow or other, I wound up on a panel at this big Learning Annex free-for-all in San Francisco on Saturday, November 7. Its official name is the Learning Annex Make Money Expo. Suze Orman is headlining. I'll be on a panel talking about freelancing. I have no idea what any of this will be like. But hey, they gave me a coupon code for my peeps: enter "WEB" in the coupon code box at check out to save $35 smackers, which gets you a dazzling day of, um, money stuff for just $19. I mean, that's cheap, right? Plus we could meet! Maybe it's worth it to you to pay $19 to meet me and hear what I have to say about freelancing, right?