What's up and what's gone down (Sep 2009)


A thus-far monthly but forever occasional round-up of what I've been up to and what I plan to be. For full credits and details, see this entry.

Colleen of the future (places I'll be)

  • The Monthly Los Angeles Biznik Meet-Up at Jerry's (Wednesday, October 14, 5:30 - 8pm) Every four weeks, some of L.A.'s finest independent biz folk gather for cocktails, conversation and oversized plates of deli food. It's awesome, and it's free. (Well, not the drinks or the deli food.) Just register (free!) to become a member of Biznik, then sign up (also free!). Easy-peasy, Cousin Weezy!
  • Lit.Up! (Saturday, October 10, 8pm) Yes, after more than a year of semi-retirement, I'm hauling my performer ass out to my friend Jane Edith Wilson's monthly show and doing a little piece I call, well, I don't call it anything yet. But it will be something, if previous engagements of this variety are any indication. Only cuss-free, since this one is at a church. Click here to view flyer.
  • BlogWorld Expo (Thursday-Saturday, October 15 - 17, Las Vegas) I'm not speaking; I wasn't even planning on going, since I'm kind of overloaded with networking-type stuff right now. But then I won a weekend pass in a contest The Mac Observer held, and shazam! I'm going to Vegas to hang out with some nerds! If you're going, too, give a holler.

Colleen of the Past (stuff that went down)

Colleen of the Present (ongoing projects)

  • The Virgo Guide to Marketing I'm just over halfway through a year-long project where I work on my marketing daily and blog about it weekly. People seem to dig it, as well as the podcasts I record weekly. Go figger.
  • communicatrix | focuses My monthly newsletter devoted to the all-important subject of increasing your unique fabulosity. One article per month (with actionable tips! and minimal bullsh*t!) about becoming a better communicator, plus the best few of the many cool things I stumble across in my travels. Plus a tiny drawing by moi. Free! (archives & sign-up)
  • Act Smart! is my monthly column about marketing for actors for LA Casting, but I swear, you'll find stuff in it that's useful, too. Browse the archives, here.
  • Internet flotsam And of course, I snark it up on Twitter, chit-chat on Facebook, post the odd video or quote to Tumblr, and bookmark the good stuff I find on my travels at StumbleUpon and delicious. If you like this sort of stuff, follow me in those places, I only post a fraction of what I find to Twitter and Facebook

Please let me know if you find this kind of curation at all useful, and/or if there's a better way to handle it. Thanks!



Photo of Arno J. McScruff housed on Flickr, where I also occasionally stick pixels.