After a long day
following a stretch of long days
it is hard to come home
to almost as much heat
and just as much work
as when you left it.
And facing a long day followed by a stretch of long days (including the ones some people call "weekends") it is hard to come home to your filthy apartment cluttered with to-do piles you might never get to and to-give-away piles you might never get to haul to Goodwill and other similar disappointments of character.
Which is why it is almost miraculous and certainly joyous and a not a little misty-making to come home to a stack of links from other people trying to find happiness amidst their own piles of stuff.
Sometimes, gratitude strikes at midnight. But it almost always hits you just in time...
xxx c
Image by Donnacy via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.