Well, I just got back from five days in Las Vegas and boy howdy, it is just as FABULOUS as the sign said it would be!
Firstly, how great is it to be surrounded by so many people who are here to have FUN, such as smoking and playing video poker and drinking Miller Lite at seven A.M.!? There are lots and lots of exciting shows at the various casino-hotels and some of the best of them are right smack in the middle of the casino floor and FREE (although you do have to pay for the valuable limited edition coin).
And if you get bored (hahaha), you can get in your car and drive up and down Las Vegas Boulevard A.K.A. "the Strip" and see e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g because they make sure the traffic goes really, really, REALLY slowly. And is there ever a lot to see, both man-made and natural. For example, at night, there is lots of "neon" and "signage" and "neon signage", but by the morning, everything in Las Vegas magically turns to the same color of beige! And stays that way until they turn the lights back on!
Speaking of magic, as it turns out, not only did we totally LUCK (hahaha) into staying at the hotel with not regular but XTREME magic, it also is home to the genuine FOLIES BERGERE "production" nightclub act, which they don't even have at that hotel that looks like ancient France. We also had many luxurious amenities such as a choice between valet and "self"-parking (with most of the spaces thoughtfully located on a vast, sunny lot far enough away from the hotel to afford excellent views of other lots) AND an "espresso" bar where the baristas make "real"-type espresso AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON!!! No tiresome grinding and pulling in LAS VEGAS, baby!!!
And that is not even counting THE FREMONT STREET EXPERIENCE, which is not just five blocks of casinos covered by a slotted dome with an hourly light show projected on it but a complete EXPERIENCE with FREE Mardi Gras beads, FREE music from the 60s, 70s and 80s and an entire host of gourmet foods available for purchase including fried Twinkiesâ„¢, fried Oreosâ„¢ and yard-long daiquiris...in every flavor! No wonder it gets so many glowing and thoughtful reviews!
Well that's just how much I really loved FABULOUS Las Vegas, Nevada! And on this, the eve of the anniversary of the date commemorating our country's move to independence, I cannot think of a better way to celebrate those principles that made our country great than to spend the weekend in a 100% American paradise created from raw desert with nothing but lights, air-conditioning and franchised eatertainment: VEGAS, baby, VEGAS!!!
xxx c
Images via The Las Vegas Review Journal